Periodontal Care Specialist

New City Dental Care

Paul S Kim, DDS

Cosmetic & General Dentist located in Jersey City Heights, Jersey City, NJ

If you develop gum disease, periodontal care can provide immediate relief and prevent the infection from spreading. At New City Dental Care, cosmetic and general dentist Paul Kim, DDS, offers periodontal care to adults. With advanced tools like Piezo ultrasonic scaling, he can protect your gums and preserve your oral health. To make an appointment at the practice in Jersey City, New Jersey, call the office or book online today.

Periodontal Care Q&A

What is periodontal care?

Periodontal care is a branch of dentistry that diagnoses, treats, and prevents gum disease. Gum disease is a common problem, but it presents few obvious symptoms early on. Without prompt diagnosis and treatment, gum disease increases the risk of more serious problems, including loose teeth, bone loss, and receding gums.

At New City Dental Care, there’s an in-house periodontist. Working in coordination with Dr. Kim, they can prevent gum disease from spreading through effective outpatient procedures like Piezo ultrasonic scaling and antibiotic therapy.

What conditions does periodontal care treat?

New City Dental Care uses periodontal care to treat several types of gum disease, including:


Gingivitis is a mild infection that causes your gums to become red and irritated. When caught early on, it’s possible to treat and even reverse through good oral hygiene and routine dental checkups.  


Periodontitis occurs when gingivitis goes untreated. It causes your gums to pull away from your teeth, forming pockets where harmful bacteria and food particles collect. As the pockets grow in size, bacteria can eat away at the bone that supports them, causing them to loosen and fall out.

What treatments fall under the umbrella of periodontal care?

New City Dental Care offers several types of periodontal care, including:

Ultrasonic scaling and root planing

Ultrasonic scaling and root planing is an outpatient procedure that removes plaque and tartar from beneath your gums. After removing the buildup, your provider smooths your tooth roots, allowing your gum tissue to reattach to your teeth.

The number of scaling and root planing treatments you need depends on the severity of your gum disease. Mild cases typically respond to one cleaning, but more serious infections might require two or three spaced over several weeks.

Antibiotic therapy

Antibiotic therapy uses prescription medication to eliminate gum disease. There are several types of antibiotic therapy, including oral drugs, liquid anesthetics, and implantable antibiotic beads. The type of medication that most benefits you depends on your age, health history, and the severity of the infection.

Do I need periodontal care?

If you’re concerned about the risk of gum disease, make an appointment at New City Dental Care. Following an oral exam, a discussion of your symptoms, and a review of your dental health history, Dr. Kim can develop a custom treatment plan that aligns with your needs. 

To further explore periodontal care, make an appointment at New City Dental Care by calling the office to speak with a team member or using the online booking tool.